Mike's Regex Cheatsheet
basic metacharacters
is used for string that is optionally present
matches "color" and "colour"
matches either, just like previous example
matches zero or more alphabet chars
matches one or more alpha chars
matches strings with NO digits
matches strings that START with a digit
matches a single digit
matches one digit or more
matches 2,3 or 4 digits
matches dates like mm-dd-yy and mm-dd-yyyy
this is same as previous, but using \d which matches digit chars
- matches initial word boundary, via \b, which matches a digit, ex: "4chan"
- matches digit at final word boundary, like "fab4"
- matches abc@def" using \S which matches non-whitespace chars
simple examples
- back reference: we use \1 to match one more instance of whatever was matched in ()
/([a-z]+) +\1/
- literals can be denoted by using backslashes, like to search for period or question mark:
/127\.0\.0\.1/ or /who\?/
- dates, example format: mm/dd/yyyy
- times with hour:min and optional am/pm
/^(1[0-2]|0?[1-9]):([0-5]?[0-9]) ( ?[AaPp][Mm])?$/
- IP address ex: n.n.n.n where 0 <= n <= 255, ignoring some invalid IP matches like
- simple URL matching protocol://domain.ext
- case sensitive match: ?i, ex: match THE or the or The -
- positive lookahead match: ?= ex: match passwords with length of 8-12 chars and upper, lower and numeric chars like abC1 or A2bc or 9rE9 -
array = pattern.exec(string)
array = string.match(patternString)